Not much to report. Larry works every day on his shop...he's built walls, a drop ceiling, insulated and drywalled, taped, mudded and painted. He has the light fixtures in and a couple of shelves in, now he just needs to figure out a workable work table surface. He is happy that it has warmed up the last couple days.
Yesterday we took our morning walk was dripping a bit, but it held off until we got back home and then it rained most of the day. I worked on a painting most of the day.

Today we got up and did our walk earlier...the sun hadn't flooded our little nook yet but it felt right to get it done. Larry again worked on his shop...I had an appointment with the magic hair fairy. Poof the gray is gone again....I had been thinking about going natural, but my stylist told me I didn't have enough gray yet to be would be drab and dull. Well...I can't do drab and dull so I said bring on the color...ha ha! That was the highlight of my day.
It was wonderfully sunny and warmer today...into the low 60' much better than the low 40's!!! Just don't want it to fool the plants...I spied a couple of teeny leaves on our lilac and the daffodils are about an inch above the ground already.
my work in progress...more to be done... |
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