Friday, January 28, 2011

Another Lovely Day 1-28

This morning I cracked myself up. I was having a bad dream apparently, but all I remember is yelling, while I was yelling and wondering why no one was hearing me, I decided to yell louder…and I was aware Larry was there and wondering if he would try to console me. NOPE. Laugh! He said he heard me making noises and I got a little louder where he could hear me saying no, no, but it was still very quiet…he could tell I was having a nightmare, but rather than rescue me he just got up to go to the bathroom. I thought it was funny that in the throes of a bad dream I decided to conduct an experiment to see if he heard me yelling.

Larry discovered that today was a burn day so he torched our burn pile. It was another lovely day, I didn’t even need an over shirt this morning, the sun was warm. I raked up leaves to add to the fire and we pruned the pear tree so we could get the branches in the fire. It was a mess of crossing branches, Larry climbed the ladder with the pruners and I directed which branches to cut. So now the outside is pretty much tidied up and ready for Spring.

I made Cornish game hens for dinner…yummy, split, marinated in half of a fresh lemons juice, 2 cloves garlic, olive oil and some poultry rub in a ziplock for about 40 minutes or so. Baked at 450 for about 30 minutes then broiled for about 10. I made lovely frozen organic green beans with bacon, onion and garlic with about a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar.

The cooking dinner smells were still strong a few hours later, I sprayed Febreeze around and practically killed Larry…he had to bundle up and go outside to breathe while I got the air moving by opening the sliding door and cranking the heater on. The scent got to him…that stuff even bothered me this time…I know better too….it’s in the garbage now.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...