Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Night Sky 12-3-08

Earlier this week we were lucky enough to have clear skies and just after the sun had set we got to see the teeny sliver of moon joined by Venus and Jupiter. The biggest bright spot is the moon on the center bottom right and the two other smaller spots are the planets.

It was cool to be able to see them and I didn't use a tripod, I just used a long setting on my camera and leaned the camera against the post. The first few pictures the camera shake caused blurriness.

Santa is done at our house...I completed my sixth batch of fudge this morning and last week I finished my knitting and crocheting projects and today we got everything boxed up and shipped off.

We started loading the trailer today and tomorrow or Friday we are hitting the road for Pahrump, Nevada. We will be staying at the Escapee park there...we have never been to Pahrump and we plan on staying a month. We won't be far from Death Valley and we plan on exploring over there...we'll be about an hour from Las Vegas, but I doubt we'll be doing to much over that way.
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1 comment:

~Andrea~ said...

I knew those were planets, but I just didn't know which ones. I noticed the moon and the "bright stars" a couple of nights ago. Very pretty and neat.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...