Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow in Pahrump & Death Valley 12-22-08

This first picture was taken last Tuesday as the sun was setting, as it was just sinking below the western horizon it lit up the snowy peaks to the east. It was a very fleeting fiery show, less than a minute.

It snowed here most of Wednesday afternoon and night, a supposedly rare occurrence…as we have traveled we seem to come upon a lot of those “rare” weather situations…makes us feel like Pigpen from Charlie Brown with our little “rare weather” cloud floating over our heads!

After having lived in the Northern Sierra Mountains for fourteen years we are not impressed with snow. The day I took these pictures of the snow in the RV Park we went to the north end of Pahrump to visit Larry’s Uncle Robert (one of his father’s younger brothers) and Aunt Annie. These crazy people moved to Pahrump two years ago from Hawaii, but we can understand why…they want to travel and see the country and that is hard to do from an Island! I had to mention all this because at 3 a.m. when Uncle Robert realized it was snowing he was out in his front yard in his winter long johns taking pictures and making snow angels!!! I’ll have to see if I can get the evidence…they have pictures!! LOL!

We had lunch with Uncle Robert and Auntie Annie and spent the afternoon and evening catching up. We haven’t seen them in about twenty years.

On Saturday we drove to and through Death Valley. I don’t know why but I was very surprised by how mountainous it was all around the valley. The mountains were pretty with their dressing of snow. It was about 55 degrees in the valley and the breeze was cold. It is harsh desolate country, but pretty this time of the year…I don’t think we would have enjoyed it as much in the heat!

We took the time to walk out at the lowest place on North America; 282 feet below sea level! I don’t figure we’ll ever stand at the highest point so it was fun to stand at the lowest!! It’s hard to see, but about midway up the rock face behind the cars in the parking lot is a sign that marks sea level…I will try to remember to go back and edit the picture so you can see it easily! Larry kept saying we were walking under the whales and the fishes.

There is an area called Artist drive that is a very narrow road cut through the hills and there are some very colorful slopes due to different mineral deposits.

We only drove through the south part of Death Valley and at Furnace Creek we took the road back to Pahrump. These last two pictures show Pahrump all spread out in the basin…it was getting a little of Las Vegas’ smog that day.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...