Sunday, December 28, 2008

Las Vegas 12-28-08

We have been in Mesquite, NV since Friday. We are visiting Larry's Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Gene and will be heading back to Pahrump on Monday. We took our walk yesterday morning and I thought me ears and face were going to fall off it was soooo cold, just not what you would expect down here. The sprinkler overspray on sidewalks and the water in the gutters was all frozen and very slick. The people in Mesquite apparently aren't fined for that like they are in Las Vegas.

I took these photo's going through Las Vegas, there is still an amazing amount of building through there in spite of the current economic situation and it is REALLY amazing how much has changed just in the years since we were last through. They are building all these shiny sky scrapers that lack the character of the previous hotels...the themes made the strip interesting I think, now they are just multi-storied mirrors. They are beautiful buildings, but they really change the look and feel of the city. They seem to be changing their focus to the high end tourist.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...