Monday, July 02, 2007

Settled in Sutherlin 7-2-07

Today we got settled in our home for the next month. Larry was at the office when it opened getting our stuff confirmed, the office isn't open on Sunday, but fortunately Larry had called on Friday and they gave us a site we could pull into and this morning we were official and this site is down at the bottom of the hill where we can get a satellite shot. There are more trees up the hill, but no shot to the sky.

We just settled in and relaxed and enjoyed the warm sunshine. Larry took a walk into town this morning...Sutherlin is less than exciting. I took a couple of very slow walks up the hill to the club house to turn in some books and pick up some others from the little library.

As we don't have plans to be doing very much I may not post every day, can't imagine you wanting to know when we go to the store and do laundry, clean the toilets etc. I'll let you know when I start jogging again, that is always entertaining!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...