Friday, July 06, 2007

For some reason I can't put a title in the title field. 7-6-07

Yesterday, Thursday I tried a little walking again and I started icing my still very sore knee. The cold seems to give it some comfort. I guess I should have been doing that all along. I keep trying to keep it loose, but just a little walk/limp around the circle gets it all wadded up and sore, limping aggravates my healing right knee also. What a pain! It is embarrassing; I am slower than the old people! I might have to steal a walker! Hard to believe that over a week ago I was excited about jogging and today I would just be happy to walk!

Today was a little cooler, we had the a/c on the last couple of days for a few hours in the afternoons, but we didn’t need it today.

I sat down at the computer as Larry was going outside this afternoon and I told him I saw some smoke wafting through the trees. He walked into the street to see it and then he is telling me to call 911…a structure. 911 on the cell phone is stupid, I got a department in Monmouth…he didn’t even know where Sutherlin was, not to mention Monmouth is two and a half hours from here. Fortunately the lady across the street has a landline and she called. It turned out to be a gazebo and hot tub and people with hoses in the backyard got it out. It would have been bad if it got into the trees right behind us! So that was our excitement for the day.

We had salmon and salad for dinner and then we went to the DQ for a Moo-latte…yummy. I had mocha which was very good and Larry ordered mint, but we couldn’t taste any mint.

Today I walked up the hill to the library and then later took a walk around the block…I can walk a little easier, but not much faster, the ice helps keep it from getting too aggravating.
Larry converted the drawer under the window in the bedroom to a shelf. He said a few potty words, but of course did a brilliant job! This morning on our walk at the top of the hill we saw the three turkeys. They have so many pretty colors in their feathers, even though they are unattractive birds.

I finally remembered a picture of our home here in Sutherlin. Really nice big sites.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...