Friday, March 23, 2007

Beautiful Walk 3-23-07

Today we took another walk in another world. Hard to believe we were in the middle of a “resort”. It stayed warm and very windy all night; we ran the a/c all night because we couldn’t have the windows open with the wind. Also the sound of the a/c drowns out the sound of the wind, except like last night where the wind was really strong, couldn’t really ignore the strong shudders and shaking of the trailer…you may have noticed, I dislike strong wind.

The red bird I had on yesterdays post is a Vermillion Flycatcher. Its back isn’t red like the Cardinals, but Vermillion red is just a little more brilliant than Cardinal red and is such a treat to see flashing in the trees.

The purple shrub I mentioned is the Texas Mountain Laurel. Its flower looks much like a Wisterias flower, doesn’t it? Strong fragrance, but the flowers and seed pods are extremely poisonous.

Instead of roosters crowing, we awoke to the gobble-gobble of the wild turkeys. They were roaming all over the place this morning and the males had there tails all fanned out. On our walk this morning we saw deer, birds and a turtle plopping into the water off of a log. Turtles are extremely skittish. We drove around the little town here, but that took only 5 minutes. Tomorrow, we will be on the road again.

The trailer is being rocked again...I can't wait to get out of windy country!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...