Monday, March 26, 2007

Pancho Villa State Park, NM 3-26-07

We lost satellite yesterday afternoon so there was no blogging. We had a big thunderstorm go through around 5 a.m. and it lasted for a couple hours. Big lightning and thunder and heavy rain, and when we got up the clouds had broken up and the air was sooo refreshing that we took a little walk. The rest of the day though was spent inside. The clouds kept dripping and by late afternoon they had built up again and we had another thunderstorm with wind this time. Heavy rain and between the two storms we got over 2 inches of rain, close to 3. There were big ponds all over the place this morning. When there are big dense thunderclouds our satellite signal goes away, so these first few pictures are of the ranch where we spent the last two nights.

Somehow this morning we were on the road by 8:45. Still clouds hanging around and as we hit the road we encountered this lovely rainbow.

These other two pictures were taken along highway 118; it was a gorgeous drive. Very hilly and curvy but we saw a stunning jaggedy mountain (didn’t get a picture) and the scenery kept changing with little microcosms tucked in sheltered valleys. We saw a couple of groups of javelinas, our first ever out in the wild sightings, no pics unfortunately. They look cute, but we have been warned that they are vicious.

We hit I-10 and headed west. El Paso was very smoggy today and the traffic was bad. We gained an hour; we are now in Mountain Time. From the north end of El Paso we headed to the Santa Theresa port of entry so we could pick up highway 9 into New Mexico. We are at the Pancho Villa State Park in Columbus, NM. We are about 2 miles from Mexico. We got in at 1:35 and had traveled 288 miles. We were on the road 6 hours but we picked up that hour when we crossed the time line. These last two pictures are in New Mexico. We are here for at least the next two nights.

Now I have to do a little Mom bragging on my girls. Andrea works full-time and is a single Mom to a very athletic 4 year old and she has decided to add going back to school to her busy schedule. She is taking two classes a quarter.

Michelle has just completed a grueling third quarter. She has a husband and an active 2 year old to run after and is going to college full-time. She took on 23units this quarter and she received 5 A’s, 2 B’s, and 1 C. Woo Hoo, way to go girls!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...