Monday, March 05, 2007

cold in Hondo 3-5-07

Saturday was a cool, windy day. I needed my knit cap to keep my ears warm and keep my hair from whipping out my eyes in the wind during our three mile walk. The rest of the day it was business as usual, me puttzing and Larry scanning photos.

Yesterday it was very cold in the morning, thirty-something, so we did yoga. The sun is very intense here and warms you up quickly when you are out in it. We waited until after noon and then took the laundry to be washed and while waiting for it to get done took a walk. It has been nice being able to open windows every day and let fresh air flow through. The humidity is very low here, which we really like.

Today we took our walk and then Larry called around to get prices on new tires. Time for the truck to get some new rubbers. We are doing that tomorrow in San Antonio.

Larry can see the light at the end of the scanning of photos tunnel! He should be done by the end of the week. Then it will be weeks of editing, sorting and backing-up, but at least he will be done with the scanner.

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