Sunday, March 11, 2007

My thoughts on my Miracle Cousin 3-11-07

I would like to share my thoughts on my cousin Darcy. This photo was taken with Darcy's new cell phone at Walmart the evening of the first day of her release from the hospital this past Monday the 5th.

I don’t know her history with her family and friends so I have the opportunity to totally embrace Darcy since her rebirth and can fully appreciate her strength, determination and her connection to God. I can hear her when she speaks of her connection to God. I can admire her determination to overcome the dire predictions of the medical staff and her forgiveness of those of us that didn’t completely believe. I don’t know of anyone, myself included who could have moved through the pain like she did to keep moving forward into the life she had been given with this second chance. Even when we didn’t really believe she knew what was right for her, she didn’t sway from her convictions until we couldn’t help but be impressed by her strength.

It has been less than three months since the accident that she shouldn’t have survived and she is whole and walking. Her orthopedist was amazed at how well she has healed and called her a miracle. The three weeks that she was in the hospital waiting for her blood to thin enough to go home she didn’t just laze away in bed. She did physical therapy and walked the halls and grounds of the hospital and walked the stairs to get physically stronger.

In just the few days that she has been back at her home in Texas she has run into various people who were part of her initial accident rescue team and medical care team. Mind you this isn’t a small town she lives in. They have all called her the Miracle Girl! All thought she wouldn’t survive and were shocked and amazed that she was out shopping and walking and talking and ALIVE! She got her drivers license this past week too and was thrilled about that.

Darcy is one of the best examples of someone who has a direct line to God and isn’t on the party-line. Besides the words that come out of her mouth, she truly believes and trusts and creates in total partnership with God and all that positive energy. I have so enjoyed our conversations and have learned a lot about truly trusting that the visions we hold in our minds for our lives do come true.

Darcy is so positive and so determined that no one is being allowed to rain on her parade and that is so key to moving forward. The people that know and love us are so determined to keep us in the boxes with the labels that they have given us that they get angry when we won’t fit back in. I find it disappointing that people are so quick to forget how grateful they were that Darcy is still with us and are back into focusing on the negative.

Darcy has more energy than 10 people and she can move mountains with the focus that she has, she does not let the grass grow under her feet. Through this healing she has learned through the value of stillness too, she didn’t really have a choice.

She told me that if she had it to do over again, she wouldn’t change anything about this whole experience. She is so VERY grateful and appreciative for everything because she has learned so much about herself and can see how loved she is and how many lives she has touched. Darcy has been released from her cage and is truly flying into a wonderful future!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...