Monday, March 12, 2007

Party & Alpha Brain 3-12-07

WOO HOO…..PARTY TIME!!!! Larry has finished scanning photos!!! I should make him guestimate how many hours this undertaking took. Just our own photos, when I say our I mean mostly mine, numbered over 12,750!!! Keep in mind I edited and threw away a lot. These spanned from around the early 70’s until 2003. My mother’s and other photos added another 1,700 or so pictures! He is thanking God every day for digital photos. Just since we have been on the road these past 3 years I have taken over 15,000 photos! Now we have to do some editing of the early pictures that had started to degrade and then he will be burning CD’s. With important stuff Larry backs things up 3 different ways, minimum. Thank You Larry!!!! He has such will power and stick-to-itiveness! But I figured that out a long time ago…he is still with me! I know there have been a few times in the last three decades he has considered throwing me under a bus!!! Smile!

Last night we had a huge gully-washer of a thunderstorm. Big gusts of wind hit the trailer hard and then it was mostly just hard rain, constant lightning and booming, rumbling, crashing thunder. It just flashed and rolled all around. It was kind of cool, we weren’t in danger of flash flood where we are, but it went on like that for a couple hours. The thing that scares me out here are the dangers of tornadoes. Larry knows I get a little tense and he tries to lighten me up but I CAN NOT be bothered, I am very busy keeping the trailer from blowing away and diverting tornadoes from around our RV park. I take my work very seriously…smile. One of the people here told us we got one and a half inches of rain in that time.

The last few days have been all about the same. We take our walk or do yoga in the morning. Most all of the last few mornings have been drizzly or foggy, but it warms up into the high 70’s. We even had a couple days over 80, very nice. We took one day and went into Hondo to Walmart. Just doing regular stuff.

I took 6 laps today, between reading “The Secret” and watching “the Dog Whisperer” on National Geographic Channel something clicked in my head today that I have to get my mind in the Alpha, Dominant mode over my body. This bag of bones and meat is going to start following MY PROGRAM and I am not going to be scared by snarling bones, joints and fat cells.

My girls and sister wanted to see my new hair cut, so the rest of you don’t look!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...