Sunday, September 17, 2006

Relaxing in NC 9-17

Yesterday after the laundry was finished we had lunch and then went into Elizabeth City. We were just several miles out on one of the back roads when up ahead were two State Trooper cars with lights flashing and the Troopers standing in the street stopping traffic. They asked to see Larry’s driver’s license and then they said how unusual it was to see someone from California out on these back roads. I was thinking, I know Californians get a bad rap in other parts of the country, but this was a little extreme…Big Smile. They looked inside giving the truck a good once over and examined Larry’s license closely. Larry asked if they were looking for someone and they said, “no, just a checkin station”. No I didn’t forget the “g” at the end of checkin, people out here talk funny! Bigger Smile. What they were actually “checkin” for, only they know.

We went on into Elizabeth City and found Walmart. The place was packed being a Saturday and all the people were so interesting. Then we went to the Food Lion next door for groceries. Ninety-nine cents per orange out here! Has there been a devastating loss to the orange crops somewhere? Are they like that everywhere? Larry decided to try a giant sized peach, didn’t look at the price and after we got home realized he paid three dollars for it!? It had better be good!

Then we went in circles about 4 or 5 times around a large block, first to get fuel, then I saw a Starbucks as we were passing it and we circled around for that and then Larry thought we had to go “that way” to get back home and I insisted the map said “this way” so I think we went around it again. Hope no one was watching, we must have looked silly.

Larry just sliced his peach and the verdict is in, “rat bastards”…apparently wasn’t worth three dollars!

We tried to take a walk after dinner the other evening and we got about 50 feet when the mosquitoes found us. We started swatting and they came faster, we started running back to the trailer and swatted all the way inside, then I had to swat one off of Larry’s nose and he had to swat one off of my ear. You can just see where people get their ideas for cartoons! We had just been talking about how lucky we had been in the bug department. Ever since we left South Dakota and people knew we were heading east they all said the bugs are plentiful and huge! We have been in several places that we expected mosquitoes but they didn’t bother us. BUT here is mostly swamp land, which means there ARE mosquitoes.

Today I saw what I thought was the biggest grasshopper I had ever seen before, I’ve been told these are locusts, it was about three inches long and his eyes were so big, I think I could see him wink at me! So we are having bug adventures, just as long as I don’t run into a cottonmouth snake. I’ve heard that they are very aggressive and actually come after you…don’t want to test out the truth of that personally!

This morning the sunshine almost blinded us! We did our yoga and then took a two mile walk before it got too warm or started raining…looks like it could go either way today. Today is relax at home day. Tomorrow we’ll be heading down the Outer Banks and going through Kitty Hawk. I will of course have to pick up a few shells and rocks! Larry just gives me “the stare” when I say that. Never stops me though! At least they don’t cost anything which is why he probably tolerates my habit. Cheaper than collecting shoes or purses!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...