Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Blueridge Parkway 9-12

Today we got out around 9:30. The road we were camped on would take us to the Blue Ridge Parkway. The Blue Ridge Parkway is supposed to be a very scenic roadway. It runs along the crest of the Appalachians and is meant to be driven on leisurely and it has a lot of pullouts/overlooks. We were looking forward to it. We planned on following it north to the top of North Carolina.

The road that took us to the Parkway was quite the adventure. Very windy with tight curves and lots of overhanging trees and bushes and it climbed quite steeply in places. We cringed with every scrape and as we got higher we got into fog. After we got onto the Parkway we stopped at the first pullout we came to and scoped the trailer for any damage. One of our antennas had an interesting curve and we had a minor scratch down the side so it wasn’t very bad.

We never saw a thing ALL day. The fog was socked in for the duration! You could hardly see the trees alongside the road so if we were overlooking valleys or driving by historic farms we never knew the difference. We got behind someone who had never driven in fog before and they traveled between 10 m.p.h. and stop for miles and miles. They were too scared to take one of the pullouts, but finally they did a really dangerous, funky pullout and we were able to carry on at more reasonable speeds. We stopped at a Folk Art Center. I loved looking at all the textiles and the glass and we enjoyed watching a potter throw pots. He made it look so easy.

We weren’t going to make it as far as we had anticipated so we stopped at one of the park campgrounds. Not too many “fools” in there. It started raining by this time so even though we were out in the open we opted not to set up the satellite dish. We were also running on just battery power and with no sun to charge the solar panels we didn’t want to power up the satellite modem and the computer. The heater was by far more important. Being up in the mountains it was quite a bit cooler, from a/c one day to furnace the next. We got in around 2:30 and it was $16 just to park, no nothing as far as hook-ups.

This family of White-tailed deer came through while we were eating dinner.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...