Sunday, September 24, 2006

Georgia 9-24

We had a short travel day. The interstate speeds things up, but they are all boring. We left at 10 and got into Townsend, Georgia at 1:15. We traveled highway 17 to I-95 down the coast of Georgia.

The most exciting discovery we had today was that South Carolina and Georgia have armadillos. We thought they were only in Texas. Now, mind you, the ones we did see were road kill, but hey, we learned something today!

We also learned about “lovebugs” today. They are flies (don’t look like flies) that fly around coupled most of their lives (takes 12 ½ hours to mate) and make it hell on cars during a couple spring and fall months down here while they fly around "loving". Our trailer was black with them and after reading that they excrete something after being squished and can etch car paint if they remain on the paint, Larry has been outside washing away. It is 92+ here and he will be dragging when he is done. He had to scrub the front of the trailer 6 times to get the bugs all off! These bugs get so thick along the interstates that they clog up vehicles radiators! They don’t bite or spread disease or anything, they are just annoying cause they land on you while you are outside. You’ll have to look them up on the internet to learn more if you want.

We traveled 137 miles today. When we left SC this morning it was almost 80 and 85% humidity, the low was 74. Tomorrow we start turning westward.

I got these photos of turtles yesterday at Drayton Hall. We wondered how the little guy enjoying the sun on the point of that log got up there! His little legs were stretched out in the air and he looked like he was pretending to fly!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...