We found a place to pull out on the outskirts of Mount Airy to pick a spot to spend the night. Nothing where we were and not much in the north part of North Carolina so we headed north on up into Virginia. We went to a Passport America park NE of Hillsville, VA. It was pricey, $19.50, full hook-ups and kind of a pain to get to. The last turn to the road this place is on

Now that we have zigged and zagged around down here we are going to point ourselves east to the ocean! There aren’t supposed to be any hurricanes the next week or so, so we should be good to go. Our plan is to drive Highway 12 along the outer banks…that long spit of land that looks like it is waaayyyy out in the ocean. We’ll have to ferry the rig in a couple of places. Should be fun, pray for great weather!!!!
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