Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Into Kentucky 9-6

Up early so we could get going. Lar caught Mike just as he was leaving for work to say good-bye and thanks. Then it was last minute computer stuff with Lori, while I got the inside of the trailer all put away and the slides pulled in. Then he went down and did all his outside disconnecting. I took pictures of flowers I found blooming in Lori’s front yard.

Lori insisted we have a “going away” piece of apple pie. It was stunning pie.

As we drove out of the drive this is what followed us…pitiful, just pitiful! We are lucky she didn’t let the air out of our tires!! We pulled out at 10:15.

For the people that are following us in their atlases, we headed down interstate 71 from Bellville south through Columbus. South of Columbus we picked up highway 62 south to 68 into Kentucky. Then picked up interstate 75 in Lexington, Kentucky and continued south until we hit Berea. We are at the Walnut Meadow RV park, another Passport America park…$11.00, full hook-ups and DSL wi-fi, so Larry didn’t have to set up the satellite dish. There are so many trees here and a hill we probably wouldn’t have gotten the satellite anyway. We went 286 miles and got into the park near 5:00. We paid $2.85 for diesel today just outside of Lexington. In Ohio gas has been going down, but diesel has stayed pretty much the same…it has gone down a little, but not as quickly or as much as gas.

We saw a lot of beautiful mansions in the middle of the huge horse farms here in Kentucky, we are just going through on our way to Tennessee.

This first picture is of a soybean field in Ohio. The bridge is over the Ohio River connecting Ohio to Kentucky on highway 68.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...