We've covered a lot of ground the last week and a half. May 29th we left Questa, New Mexico after staying there 3 weeks. We headed north into Colorado heading for the north Denver suburb of Brighton. We stayed at the fairgrounds there all by our lonesomes for two nights. We had to get our furnace fixed there. We had made the appointment from NM. The guy did a great job and was prompt! We were just a short drive to Denver airport. On June 1st we drove our home there and left it in Pikes Peak parking lot. It was only $5 a day. We flew to Portland to visit the girls and our grandsons for 5 days. We had a great time. The boys are both smart as whips and athletic. Ian is still shy and Seth is a precocious character. The girls both looked great!
June 5th we flew back to Denver. We were pooped that evening when we got back to our trailer. We unpacked, aired the place out, took our showers and went to bed. Great taking your home with you! We got up and headed out the next day and spent the next two nights in the panhandle of Nebraska. First night in Sidney and the second night in Chadron. Very windy there, humid and hot.
We are now in Sturgis, South Dakota. We got here on thursday the 8th. We chose this Passport America park because it was away from the highway. All the rest are right on the highway. It is so beautitul here and there is so much to see that we are staying a month! It is soooo green here, lots of pine trees and grass. Wildflowers too and baby horses. We are up out of the way of the bulk of the park and we back up to the neighboring farm. Our neighbors are chickens, a turkey, goats, a llama and a couple of horses. Lots of misc. cats running around too. Get to enjoy watching all the wildlife without the feed and vet bills...this is the life! The picture is of our current home for the next month.
We took a day and scoped out Sturgis and Spearfish. Both nice towns, but motorcycle mania is slowing replacing the old historic buildings in Sturgis. It is very quiet now, but you can see all the stuff that sits around waiting for that week and a half in August when half a million people converge on the area. Amazing!
wi like this blog better i think you can look at it all at once the other takes to much brain time for me to navigate in. I don't know they are both nice?
Yeah, I like this one too. Beautiful sunset picture!!!
Hey Goddess,
OOOO!!! I really like your new set-up. The pictures of you all are great. It's nice to see a visual. Well it's raining here and I'm wondering when summer will come. It's also graduation week and it seems to always rain. Oh well. Vic Suzie and myself are having Goddess nite Wed. You will be greatly missed. ( i don't think anyone is bringing brownies) All is good. Love to you both, Goddess of the Ark.
You've done great Cuz. It all looks wonderful and allows the reader to scroll through quickly or read word for word.
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