Sunday, June 25, 2006

First weekend of summer

Another weekend almost gone! Those of you who don't know me will soon figure out that I take lots of pictures. AND that I take lots of pictures of flowers, clouds and rocks. You, fortunately will only be bored with a small fraction of the pictures I take! I could torture you with the thousands of pictures I have taken just since we've been on the road these past two years. They are all wonderful of course...thanks to the delete button on my computer.

We had rain and cold Friday morning. Got 1/3 of an inch in an hour or so. The sun came out for a couple hours and it hit 80, but then the clouds came back in and more thundershowers. Yesterday and today have been gorgeous. In the high 70's, a teeny breeze and clear skies. This cloud picture is from Friday.

Today we walked up to the top of the hill again. Boy, that is a steep sucker! Near the top is a rock that I sit on to rest before getting to the top and then starting the steep downhill walk. Its a beautiful walk and I know it is good for me otherwise I'd tell Larry, "see ya"! He is disgustingly fit without hardly even trying...I've been doing yoga longer than him and I still can't touch my head to my knees! So today was laundry day and talk on the phone and just enjoy the lovely weather and fresh air day.

The pictures of flowers are some of what we found blooming on our walk today. The echinacea have just started blooming and the blue spikey flowers; I don't know what they are. I am amazed at all the stuff growing wild around here that I bought at nurseries to plant in my yard in Chester.

Problems with picture posting again, so the rest of the photos I wanted in this post are down below in their own post. (hopefully down, if not, above)

Off for another evening walk. Enjoying them while we can, we are told that when we get in Minnesota the bugs will be trying to carry us off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mom love these clouds, she is slightly obsessed with painting them perfectly!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...