Thursday, June 15, 2006

A do nothing day & last year

We rolled out around 7:30. The low was 60, but it was cloudy again. Windy all night and windy all morning. We walked 3 miles today and we were walking into a cool wind. It stayed overcast until mid afternoon and the wind quit but it still didn’t get over 75. Today was a quiet, do nothing day. We went to a steak BBQ at the park clubhouse, really good food and lots of people and flies. We over ate, we try not to go to too many of those for that reason! Met some nice people. Hay fever has hit us both bad, the price you pay for green I guess, all this lovely grass, weeds and wildflowers are going to seed and the cottonwood trees are shedding, so Bless me, you can bet I am still sneezing!

All these pictures are of where we were this time last year.

Cape Lookout, Oregon

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...