Thursday, June 22, 2006

Catching up!

These are photos of the Thunderfalls here in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

These are the stunning clouds we saw from our trailer the night before last!

Today we did a lot of nothing. Computer work, reading, I've almost finished my drawing after almost throwing it away the other day.

We took our 4 mile walk out on the backroad here. The county was mowing and the rat bastard didn't stop the blades after he waved at us as we walked by and a rock shot out and got me in the side of the knee. People just have no common sense at all...big machine, shoots out debris, people walking by...what do they think is going to happen???? I said a few bad words, I wasn't bleeding so I didn't feel the need to walk back through the flying rocks to rip him out of the machine and give him a piece of my mind! Hurt like heck and swelled, but after getting home I put my arnica gel on it and it started healing pretty fast. So that was the excitement for today.

We had some rain again last night and it has clouded up this afternoon, we'll see what happens. At least we aren't in Ukiah, talked to Andrea and it was 103 there yesterday and supposed to be 108 today. Staying in the 100+ for the next 5 days or so according to the weather forcasters.....yuck. We haven't even hit 80 today...very nice.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...