Don't forget that you can click on the pictures to see them full-sized!

We headed back to Sturgis on Interstate 90. The backroads are sooo much more interesting and pretty. Just have to be REAL careful and read the signs if you are towing! The prairies along the interstate were still pretty green. Growing up in California, we are used to seeing the hills brown by the start of May! We saw a few antelope and deer along the way and a beautiful herd of mares and their babies running along and playing.
Had dinner at a chinese restaurant in Spearfish, picked up a few groceries, fueled up and headed home. Sat outside enjoying the evening as the sun set and then had to go in 'cause it started cooling down fast! Another day in Moniz paradise!
Today we did a lot of nothing. Computer work, reading, I've almost finished my drawing after almost throwing it away the other day.
We took our 4 mile walk out on the backroad here. The county was mowing and the rat bastard didn't stop the blades after he waved at us as we walked by and a rock shot out and got me in the side of the knee. People just have no common sense at all...big machine, shoots out debris, people walking by...what do they think is going to happen???? I said a few bad words, I wasn't bleeding so I didn't feel the need to walk back through the flying rocks to rip him out of the machine and give him a piece of my mind! Hurt like heck and swelled, but after getting home I put my arnica gel on it and it started healing pretty fast. So that was the excitement for today.
We had some rain again last night and it has clouded up this afternoon, we'll see what happens. At least we aren't in Ukiah, talked to Andrea and it was 103 there yesterday and supposed to be 108 today. Staying in the 100+ for the next 5 days or so according to the weather forcasters.....yuck. We haven't even hit 80 today...very nice.
All these pictures are of where we were this time last year.
Today we woke up to the sound of thunder, which quit by the time we got up and then we looked outside and expected the Pacific ocean to be over the hill! The clouds were hugging the ground and it felt just like we were on the coast. We took our walk and that humidity really bogged us down! The nice thing about that is we have finally quit shocking ourselves everytime we touch something. The air was so dry for so long down in the southwest that some of the shocks we were getting were down right painful! I expected to see red burn marks a few times!
So after we dried out from our walk and had breakfast Lar washed the trailer and truck. They had four different states dirt on them. We had our latest rock crack in our windshield fixed while we were in Rapid City today. I think this is number 3 for us. We got this one in Colorado Springs and then on a road from Nebraska into SD they were chip sealing and unlike in CA where they make you go slow and have Highway Patrol sitting there, we were going slow and cattle trucks were passing us and we picked up quite a few chips! Rat Bastards!
Rapid City is smaller than we expected. It is smaller than Chico. Not hard to get around in and I discovered Hobby Lobby! Crafters Mecca!!!!! I had never even heard of it, but oooo-weeeee, I could spend a week in there. I have never seen so many different yarns, EVER! It is like Michaels times three and throw in Pier 1. An amazing place. Tons of decorating stuff, supplies for every craft imaginable, put a Starbucks in there and heaven. Maybe some day! So needless to say we were in there quite awhile. Then we did the Super Walmart thing and back home.
So it has just been a few days of getting the day to day stuff caught up. Getting this blogging thing figured out has been frustrating...and DSL would make the whole experience a lot faster, but hey this beats dial-up!
We took a day and scoped out Sturgis and Spearfish. Both nice towns, but motorcycle mania is slowing replacing the old historic buildings in Sturgis. It is very quiet now, but you can see all the stuff that sits around waiting for that week and a half in August when half a million people converge on the area. Amazing!
Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...