Monday, July 23, 2012

Two Alpha-boys 7-23

Friday we were on the road to Yreka to meet Michelle and pick up Seth.  The boys struggled for supremacy the first day and have settled into a low level of challenge.  We have been working on compromise and negotiating solutions...ah the joy!
Breakfast in the garden.

Seth is Michelle's boy, he just turned 8.

They had been picking strawberries and Ian has
custody of the cup of berries.
The weather has been hot.  Last night after dark, about 11 p.m. nature's light show began.  The bright flashes and then the thunder drove the boys out of bed.  Larry was already on the deck so they sat out there for quite awhile watching and discussing whether they were in any danger.  It seemed to die down, but we could still see flashes and again around 3 a.m. another loud, bright batch came through with big wind and rain.  I had to close a few windows to keep out the rain.  It was still cloudy and dripping occasionally all morning, made for a steamy day.  It finally cleared out here, but we could see huge build-ups in the mountains.  There were quite a few lightning fires being chased by fire departments all afternoon.

This afternoon we pulled the boys away from their electronic entertainments with a double slip n slide.  They had a blast with that for a couple of hours.  Then it was pizza for dinner, a movie and mint chocolate chip ice cream...boy nirvana!


michelle said...

nice pictures! i forgot i could post on here :)

Valerie Moniz said...

Thank you very much! I never answer because I'm never sure people see the response. :)


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...