Friday, July 27, 2012

Taking a Hike 7-26

A few times since the boys have been here Larry has gone on his morning hike and returned back home before the boys have gotten out of bed.  Last night he asked them if they wanted him to wake them up so they could go with him.  They both said yes.

It wasn't like it was at sun-up, it was around 7:30.  Seth roused and got dressed.  Ian was tougher.  Larry said he thought he was dead...Seth was rocking him back and forth and Ian  didn't move or even moan.  I have to laugh....Larry said Seth finally lifted one of Ian's eyelids and that is what finally woke the boy.

Then they start putting on sweat shirts!  I said they wouldn't need them, it was not cold (being so early I guess they figured it must be cold).  Next Seth decides that they need bottles of water, but doesn't want to carry them, so they both dump out their backpacks to put their drinks in.  They weren't having breakfast first (it would have been noon before they left), so then they had to decide on snacks.  Larry despaired of ever leaving. He kept telling them they would only be gone about an hour, they weren't hiking across the Serengeti.  Larry asked me if I wanted to go...I declined.  I wanted to do a little mucking out of the house while they were gone and I got the flowerbeds fertilized.  
They both had to take their i-pods.

As I half expected they took about twice as long as Larry thought, they didn't get back until 10:30.  But they were all still moving good and said they had a good time.

The boys brought me presents in their backpacks.  They know I love rocks and especially the white quartz so they picked them up along the trail and put them in their backpacks.  Of course they over loaded and Larry said they stopped a few times to toss out a few.  I still received a nice little collection.  They saw lizards and dragonflies, but Larry said he was shocked they even saw that much with all the noise they made. 

Heading out finally.
It was cooler today and the boys spent an hour or so on the slip n slide again.  I'll post more pictures of them sliding tomorrow...they are crazy!  I would have broken bones doing what they were doing!

Choosing the keepers.

Larry was taking a picture of the heron in the top
right dead part of the middle tree and all these
dragonflies were zooming about.

Naming "their" lizards.

Ian was in the lead.

Larry & Seth taking their time.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...