Sunday, July 08, 2012

Busy, Busy 7-8

July is cranking up and speeding away.  While the rest of the country was having a heat wave we've been warm but until today we haven't been hot...thankfully we still aren't up in the triple digits...though in a couple days, maybe.  It has been breezy which helps, the nights cool down and they've been breezy too. 

We had visitors over the fourth of July.  Miracle Cousin Darcy and her husband Paul made use of our lovely abode and spent the night so they could pick up Darcy's car in Auburn, which had been getting fixed.  We spent much of the afternoon in the garden visiting and for dinner had Darcy and Paul's wonderful precooked smoked/baked ribs, with my precooked western beans and home made coleslaw....easy peasy and YUMMY.  They also brought dessert...the best practically homemade cherry pie I've ever tasted.  

We had no idea where to go for fireworks...nor did we care...but Darcy would have liked to have gone....we told her go on ahead and report back, but she decided to kick Paul's butt at Scrabble...she is fierce so Larry and I just watched :)

Thursday after our guests left and after my Pilates we went to Auburn and filled the trunk of the caddie with dwarf butterfly bushes and some other miscellaneous plants.  

Friday we went to Lou and Vickie's place to visit with them and also see Andrea, Connor, Scott and Destiny, they were there too.  On our way we stopped and saw Uncle Hank for an hour or so too which was great.  He looks wonderful and is doing good.  After a day of sitting and grazing on all the bad for us snacks, wine, pizza and killer chocolate pie I arrived back home with swollen ankles and puffy toes....payback is instant nowadays :)

So I started Saturday with a walk to the highway and back and lots of water to purge the poor bod.  Our new California King bed was delivered as were two twin beds for the guest room.  We decided to get rid of the crappy queen bed in there too and now guests should be more comfy and we have more options for the kids and other visitors.

I dug the bedskirt out of the package the night before so we could put it on the platform before the men brought our mattress in...saved us from hauling the mattress off and on again.  Well, after the delivery I was digging through the bedding bag and discovered that the two king pillow shams were missing.  ACK.  So I got on the phone and after some conversation and waiting for a return call it was decided that they would hold the two shams for me at the store and I wouldn't have to take the whole mess, a sensible solution...gotta love Macy's.  

We had left the bed unmade all day so it could off-gas, though the one we chose is made with a lot of natural and minimally toxic stuff, so it wasn't until this morning when we made the bed and put on the new comforter that we discovered it was too short on the a LOT.  Double ACK!!!!  I should know better...the name of the size of the bed means nothing on a package, you must know the dimensions of your mattress!!!  And in online researching apparently we have a deep mattress and most bedding sets out there are too small...our bed is made by Aireloom by the way and is well made.  I've ordered online a replacement that SHOULD fit and was cheaper to purchase online with a discount, and free shipping then it would have been to go to the store to get it.  I'll have to get back down there later to return the ill fitting set (Roseville), so much for my great deal that I told you about in the previous entry.

This morning before the sun got on the area where we wanted the butterfly bushes we were out there planting...before breakfast I might add.  Larry got a head start digging the holes...ten of them, which is the last thing he wanted to do (he is so done with hole digging).  I went behind him and started planting the plants.  When he went to do the seventh hole he hit solid rock...he chiseled out a shallow hole before we abandoned it.  The next one was difficult but doable so a couple of the plants have smaller holes then all the rest.  The worry we have now is that as I was planting the plants I was ignoring plastic plant sticks that were stuffed down in the pots...which we hadn't seen when we bought the plants.  The plants had tall sticks with the plant info dangling from them so that was all we needed to know...except all the sticks that I found have a different name on them and say that the plants are going to be twice the size of what we thought.  Good grief!!!  So, it is going to be a mystery to see how they all turn out... at least they didn't say they were the 10 foot tall variety.  We were wanting 2 feet and may get 4 or 5 or maybe we'll have a smorgy.

The conditions in California are changing in favor of a fire season.  I hope we don't have what Colorado has had to endure.  There was a little brush fire at our neighbors place up the hill today, a little to close to home.  Today with the heat, the wind and lower humidity levels fires have been cropping up all over Nor Cal this afternoon.

In the evenings, at dusk, the dragonflies are very busy flying over the trees and look like they are dancing about while munching on bugs.  Dozens and dozens of dragonflies...last evening I  noticed a hummingbird appearing to do the dragonfly dance.  At first I thought it was trying to get the dragonflies out of its territory, but as I watched it spun and did pirouettes and seemed to be either playing with the dragonflies or it was also catching bugs (hummers do eat bugs).  I finally got the camera and as it was dim I couldn't get the best pictures.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...