Monday, July 09, 2012

Tired 7-9

Well I have left blogging until the last again, which means I am tired and ready for bed and  in a hurry to no long stories, unless I get crazy.

Larry took this from the camper door, the com trailer is just
on the left edge and the flames didn't show up in the pic, but  they
are at the bottom of those smokes.  
Larry got called out to a fire yesterday...the first time in two years.  We were kind of like wobbly weebles bumping into each other...what do you need, what can I do, etc.  He is outside of Stonyford somewhere...there are more than one fire going out there, but this one is the largest (I think), from 400 acres to 3,000 plus since yesterday.  

I did my Pilates today and the instructor exclaims over my perfectly shaped deltoid muscle ....where?  I have one?  I want to see...she was standing in my way of the mirror while I was working my upper body out on the, muscles!!!  Woo hoo.  Which are sore right now I might add, because of course the focus today was on the upper body when I had a massage to give this afternoon, which works me out pretty good too.  

I puttered in the garden, got a few pictures and saw a few birds enjoying Larry's plums.  He has been out there every day watching and waiting for ripeness and of course they are going purple now that he's gone.  The birds are loving them.  I'm not that wild about them, the peels are too sour.

I've included a  couple pictures of the relaxing.  The glads I pick and leave on the porch table.  In this heat out in the yard they bloom up the stalk really fast and boom, they are done in a day or two.  Picking them and having them in the shade of the porch lets them open slowly and they'll last about a week.  I can't bring them inside because I end up bringing in hitchhikers, that no matter what I've tried I can't roust out....I can't see them...and I hate the little blankety blanks...earwigs.  But later I'll find one in the sink or wandering across the floor or counter because they've decided to drop out of where ever they were tucked.  I've tried soaking the flowers in water, shaking....doesn't work.  Oh well, I can enjoy them through the window and while I'm out there.

Tomorrow I think will be back to the mall to return my ill fitting comforter set...what better place to be when it is supposed to be over 100.

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