Friday, April 13, 2012

Soggy 4-13

Ran out and snapped a few pics while there was a sun ray!
Dang...that was a gully washer monsoon of a storm that swept in and stuck over us.  Raining since Tuesday inch and a quarter of rain by yesterday morning and then from yesterday afternoon until this afternoon another two plus inches.  Yesterday, early evening we had a big thunderstorm right over us, thunder, lightning, hail, torrential rain...a jack rabbit flew across the yard and took shelter under the truck, quail hung out under the car.  This morning it was still pouring and on my way to Pilates there were mallard ducks floating around in a pond that was formerly a field, raging creeks flowing through horse paddocks and our little seasonal creek looked like a white rapid river.  
Moniz Lake

It stopped finally and all the water receded, but it continued to rain off and on all the rest of today and even this evening.  I went out and walked around a few times and the water is just standing all over the place.  Up in Chester where we used to live they got a foot of snow last night....yuck, yuck, yuck...we really, really don't miss that!

A bunny's gotta protect the pelt!

Soggy honeybees

Where soggy bees end up...there was a break in the rain for a couple hours this afternoon
and many of these bees were moving about and seemed to be helping others dry off.

The tulips just glow in the gloom.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...