Monday, April 09, 2012

Crazy bees 4-9

I played with the camera this morning...the light on the ranunculus caught my eye while I was eating my breakfast.  Then I fertilized 13 of the rose bushes...I ran out of food and it is supposed to rain again for the next few days so the other 16 will have to wait.

The bees are being crazy, there is another ball of bees hanging in the same bush as yesterdays swarm.  They showed up some time this afternoon and both are about the same size.  We may end up with a bunch of dead bees because it is supposed to rain the next few days and they only have about three days to find a new place or they will expire from starvation...crazy creatures, I guess they didn't see the weather channel.
The center of my white orchid...looks fierce and smiley at the same time.

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