Sunday, April 08, 2012

Beautiful Easter Sunday 4-8

Yesterday I took my first hike of the year with Larry to the pond in the recreation area.  We hadn't planned on going, we were just going to the end of our street and come back, but I decided to forge on, so Larry didn't have his camera.  So of course we missed getting pictures of a wood duck, interesting spring ponds, turtles poking their heads out of the pond and a large bobcat sprinting across the hillside.  It is very green and the oaks are getting greener every day as their leaves stretch out.

Today it was warm enough to open up the house and Sunday mornings are so peaceful, the day starts out with less human activity all around.  While I was in the kitchen whipping up some chocolate chile cookies I looked out the window and noticed the bees swarming again.  It is only nine days since the last swarm.  This one was considerably smaller, but they blobbed up lower and closer to the house.  The cookies turned out wonderfully, but I'm just not sure I need chile powder and cinnamon in my chocolate cookie.

Later I pulled out my tripod and got these fabulous pictures of two of my orchids that are just blooming.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...