Monday, April 02, 2012

Lizard lesson 4-2

The lizard is right below Seth in the shadow.
Friday was Seth's last day at our place and it was a busy day with lizards, bees and shenanigans.  There is a lizard that lives under a step and Seth thought he would catch it.  His attempts were pretty puny and I told him when I was his age I was good at catching lizards, so I decided he needed to see how it was done.  This lizard was not a speedy baby so I figured I could catch it and he was a gutsy reptile, he kept coming back out even though he knew we were there.

I kneeled there (yay for pilates) poised, edging my hand above the lizard, he dodged in and out a few took about 5 minutes and viola...I caught him.  So we examined the electric blue stripes on "Howard's" belly ( I named him Howard ) and Seth touched it and felt the different textures of the back and belly...he didn't want to hold it, he was afraid it would bite him.  Wisely the lizard knew we wouldn't be very tasty and he never tried to bite.  I put it in Seth's jar so he could look at it up close and personal and then after a bit Seth released it and it wasn't in any great hurry to scurry away which Seth thought was cool.

Get in the jar

These last pictures were taken by smarty-pants Larry of me getting my frame back up off that step...I just can't seem to bounce back up once I'm down...and he was making me laugh.

I might have been telling Larry that he was
an animal related to a horse :)

1 comment:

Juanita said...

Love, love the pictures...all of them!! Makes me feel better that even you have trouble getting back up!! Why, oh why does this happen? As if I don't know.....but not happy about it. We just have to plan our moves, right?

One of my favorite memories of grandkids visiting was catching lizards....holding and examining them...snakes, too!!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...