Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Bluebird of Happiness 2-7

It was a drizzly, cloudy day today.  This morning we had the bluebirds in the bird bath and zooming around like they do.  Every once in awhile one will sit on a branch or a fence post for longer than two seconds, but I either don't have my camera or they don't sit with their back to me....they have the bluest of the blue backs and wings...well the males do, as with most bird species the females are duller.  I dashed off for my camera and took these with my telephoto and through our double pane windows which is why they aren't as sharp as they should be.

I had another wonderful Pilates workout.  It is low impact, entails a lot of focus and concentration on form and breath and using the proper muscles while leaving all the rest still and the bones of my frame still.  You can do Pilates way into your elder years and many with major injuries are able to do some form of Pilates, people that have had knee or hip replacements, gunshot wounds and back surgeries just to name a few are able to get strong again after their doctor recommended healing times of course.  I am really amazed with my results already.  Now I just have to get busy building my cardio...I want to get a recumbent stationary bike soon, it is easy on my hips, so speak up if any of you have one collecting clothes and dust.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...