Monday, February 20, 2012

Yard Work

Yesterday we got started on reworking the wells around the rose bushes.  We only got about thirteen done, we are making them larger so I'll have an easier time caring for them and we are putting a thick mulch layer under them to keep the weeds down and insulate them through the heat of the summer.  We didn't get nearly enough mulch so back to the store.  

Today was kind of a lazy day, but I did get the pansies and primroses planted, just a few  bright spots scattered around make such a huge difference.

Tomorrow I start month two of pilates, I am amazed at the healing, strength, and flexibility I have already.
This is the before, how the roses look now.

This is the after.  They are going to be fabulous
this year, strong canes and strong sprouts.

Shots of the garden tidied up and waiting the growing season.

My latest struggle with watercolor.  A friend inked
the rooster, I painted the rooster and then decided
he needed a background, he looked lonely on the white paper.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...