Monday, February 06, 2012

Happy Monday 2-6

This is blog posting 1,189 since I started this blog in June of 2006 as a way to show interested friends and family where we were and what we had been seeing in photos while traveling the country.  I am contemplating retiring the blog.  Right now I am just thinking about it and I may just restrict it to the people that are interested and block it from the general public.  If you are one of the few that get it in your email and do not want to any longer, would rather just go check out the blog when you feel like it, let me know and I'll drop you off the email list.  If I set it up to be members only you will just have an extra step where you'll have to sign in before reading.  I enjoy sharing my photos, but realize many of you may not care about what is important to me and I understand completely.

Here in northern California spring is springing.  Trees  are starting to bloom and early bulbs and mustard are blooming.  The birds have been really busy with their courting rituals singing up a storm.  It can get pretty noisy with all the bird song and twittering.  I saw a hawk go by with a big stick for its nest, the geese are noisily "chasing" each other around and the weeds are growing :( 

I was out pulling weeds from the flower beds today and while taking a break this pretty red fan of baby rose leaves caught my eye which got me started taking pictures of the rose bushes in their spring sprouting stage.  I also just finished another special order infinity scarf in school colors which turned out really nice.  I have been enjoying my Pilates classes and Larry has been hiking and mapping the trails with his GPS.  He has them all figured out and has found starting points for me so I don't have to go so far to get out to see new areas.  I don't mind hiking a few miles, but don't want to do 5-10 miles like Larry seems to find himself doing a lot.  The days are getting longer and we are enjoying this drier spring a lot.

Look at those wicked thorns!

Black sparkly scarf.

The little red "fan" that caught my eye.

Blue and Gold sparkly

1 comment:

Juanita said...

Val, I look forward to reading your blog...seeing your pictures! Please continue. I check in by going to the blog site.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...