Monday, September 05, 2011

Sittin' in the Garden 9-5

Love my new porcelain pottery vase!

Yesterday when we were on our walk we noticed a man and his dog way out in the weedy field walking along.  When he stopped and turned we noticed he had a very large hawk on his arm!  I had read about and seen it on TV ( I can't think what raptor handlers are called) and was hoping we would get to see the hawk and handler in action, but they turned, he stood there a minute and then started walking back the way they came.  Darn it.  We stopped where we were and didn't approach, Larry said something to him and he said that she didn't want to play today.  Hawks look bigger than ever when someone is holding them...I was so wishing I had my camera. 

Cosmos blowing in the wind.

Larry finished getting the house loaded with spotlights....14 of, but now when we want to see something outside we can SEE all the way around and we won't need a flashlight.

Today we took our walk and then I did my exercises/meditation.  We had our breakfast out in the garden and enjoyed it so much we just spent the day out there in the shade.  There was a nice breeze which kept us cool and we had a nice relaxing day.  We did watch one of the deer seriously think about jumping into the garden.  She spent a lot of time pacing back and forth in front of the gate, we chased her off...our very green garden is looking really tempting when everything outside is brown.
I don't know if they were watching us or the plants.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...