Monday, September 19, 2011

An Honor 9-19

On Thursday of last week the LAPD awarded 82 Officers with the inaugural LAPD Purple Heart Award for receiving traumatic injury in the line of duty.  Mine and Lori's Dad was one of the officers to receive the award posthumously. 

As we couldn't make it to the ceremony our friend Cliff received the award on our behalf.  I thought it fitting that Cliff be the one to do it for us as he is with LAPD and also plays the bagpipes...a cop in kilts...woo hoo!  I received the medal today and thought I would share it with you.

Just for your information, if you puzzle over why all the memorials etc. have March 9th for EOW...End of Watch, that is the date of the kidnapping and shooting, but it wasn't until the following morning that the official death was pronounced, which is the date on the death certificate and headstone.

Cliff is a member of the Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes & Drums band and plays the bagpipes.  I stole the following off of their web page so you would know more about what they do:

Welcome to the official website of the Los Angeles Police Emerald Society (LAPES) Pipes and Drums. The LAPES Pipes and Drums is an independent Emerald Society chapter and a member of the National Conference of Law Enforcement Emerald Societies.

The Band consists of members who are active, former, or retired law enforcement officers from law enforcement agencies throughout the Southern California area. Individuals with no prior law enforcement background are also a vital part of the Band; the only condition is that they have a sincere desire to support the law enforcement community. The Band is a non-profit organization and all Band members volunteer their time. The Band does not accept any payment for its services. However, we will accept donations. These donations are solely used for the operational costs for the Band. The Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums is a tax exempt public charity under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, Tax Identification Number 27-3941723. Any contributions are deductible under Section 170 of the Code. We are the only Police Emerald Society Pipe Band on the west coast of the United States.

The Band respectfully plays at services, memorials, and tributes for police officers, firefighters, and military personnel who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We support law enforcement, firefighters, and the military by playing at any event that will serve the respective agency or organization. Prior events at which we have played include dedications to new facilities, retirements, banquets, picnics, graduation ceremonies, valor award ceremonies, welcome home celebrations for military personnel, and funerals for retired or former law enforcement, firefighters, or military. We also support and serve the community by playing at fairs, parades, school events, and Highland Games.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this site or wish to contact the LAPES Band, please contact us at:

If you would like to inquire if the LAPES Band is available for an event, please contact us at: or

The mailing address for the Band is:
The Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums
1308 W. 8th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017

Their web:

They are kept very, very busy!  They honor our Dad with memorial bagpipe covers that are embroidered with his badge and name.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...