Friday, September 02, 2011

Light! 9-2

The next time we hear a noise outside we will be able to see whatever it is because Larry has been busy mounting flood lights to every corner of the house.  It makes a huge difference from what we had.  We just won't be leaving them on long periods of time...PG&E would love that too much and we might distract the jets landing at Sacramento Intl. airport.

I keep forgetting to mention that the woodpeckers hatched another batch of babies in the oak tree hollow out front.  They have grown fast and the tree has gone from sounding like it was growling to full blown pteradactyl sounds coming out of it.  We saw a lizard run out of the must have seen its life flash in front of its eyes!  It must be a dare devil or wood peckers don't eat them.

I worked in the yard today tidying up.  I had to support the Cosmos and tie up the dahlias again, deadheaded stuff...just general yard maintanence.  The weather has just been lovely.

Tomorrow is our 34th anniversary.  We don't have anything too exciting planned but we'll go somewhere just so we don't end up working around here.

The ferny looking ones in the foreground are orange cosmos,
they'll be blooming soon.

lavender bachelor's button


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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...