Monday, May 17, 2010

Rainy Day 5-17

Today it was back to has been a very wet spring.

We did shopping today...went to a cute little new age/spiritual shop for a friends birthday gift, then discovered a wonderful yarn shop...beautiful materials, I'll be back there in the future....then went to my favorite used book store to turn in some books and pick out a couple more. Then it was on to Walmart for stuff, to the Natural Food co-op, to Safeway for groceries and then back put it all away. Had to be done, we will be hitting the road on Wednesday for little old remote Chester and we'll be real busy the first four days or so of the week we'll be there. We had a lovely dinner at the kids tonight and then back home to watch Dancing with the Stars.

Pictures of smiley Connor and look at how lanky Ian is getting....and then that sexy man of mine, um, um, uummmm!
Ohhh, and had a great phone call from a long ago childhood friend...who I haven't seen since I was 3 or 4...very fun! We connected on facebook, way cool, she recognized my picture...nice to know that I haven't aged so much that I'm unrecognizable. Which reminds me I owe her a photo...gotta run.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...