Friday we spent the day in Napa with Larry’s Mom Carol. She spent her early years in Napa and many of Carol’s Uncles and Aunts, her Parents and Grandparents were natives of the Napa area and are interred or buried there. Other than her Dad all are at the Tulocay Cemetery. So we spent a few hours there…Larry had his list of names and the people in the office went through
the records and told him where to find everyone.

arol had memories of most of the deceased and while she shared those with Larry I was off taking pictures of the stunning landscape. Huge old oaks and stunning roses were everywhere with azaleas and iris sprinkled around. After we tracked down “everyone” and
there were several without headstones so with the good records in the office we knew where they were,
but it is odd the lack of a visual marker…we drove around Napa to Carol’s childhood homes. One was in the downtown area, right on the fringe of the revitalized area so it seemed lucky that it was still standing, because of course much had changed in 65 or so years. We took pictures of all the markers and homes, but I won't bore you with all those pictures.
It was a long day, but good for Larry’s research and having Mom along helped a lot, plus she enjoyed seeing all her old haunts…it is a wonder she and her sister survived…today’s parents would cringe at the freedoms and antics two young girls had in their single digit years.

Saturday we spent with Andrea’s family, Will grilled hamburgers and Ian spent the night with us…this afternoon Larry’s Mom came by for a computer lesson…we had a very nice weekend..jpg)

Saturday we spent with Andrea’s family, Will grilled hamburgers and Ian spent the night with us…this afternoon Larry’s Mom came by for a computer lesson…we had a very nice weekend.
This last is Connor during his dinner.
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