Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day 5-9

Today we took a walk around the hood, had breakfast and then we did laundry. The rest of the afternoon we spent over at Aunt Millie and Uncle Marty's place. It being Mother's Day my cousin Cindy was there and had brought dinner! Good timing on our! She had made a large spaghetti casserole and garlic bread...being descended from Aunt Millie she had enough for two families of lumberjacks so us being crashers was no problem.

In the past week so many more of their azalea plants had burst into bloom and the clematis...though Uncle Marty...there is a bug munching holes into some of the clematis plants back there. Larry nailed down some more family history from my Aunt while we were there too. We had a DQ Moo-latte on the way home for dessert...yummy!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...