Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our Last Chester Day 5-25

This week went by fast and the week wasn't long enough to see everyone we wanted to see. These first pictures are of our snowy Saturday and at least these late Spring snows don't stick around for very long...it was just so, so, so cold. It hasn't gotten to freezing the past few mornings.

I had a great time at my workshop...I had a creative breakthrough....one can be more successful if one doesn't rinse the brush out between color changes and gets different colors in the paint wells! I left my mixing palette messy too...woo hoo! Unless you paint you just don't know what I'm going on about, but thats okay...it was liberating. I enjoyed myself and didn't "fear" the brushes, paints and paper. Sunday evening we had dinner with Sharon, her two boys Austin and Tyler and Vickie came up from Genessee also. We had a great time catching up. Sharon served us some killer spaghetti and one of her beautiful salads.

On Monday I had a massage and took a little walk by a lovely creek. Larry visited his Fire Chief Friend and later we went by and bugged Lori and Steve Trotter. The boatload of tulips is theirs.
Today I had coffee with my friend Sharon again at her gift shop which is right across the little creek we are backed up to...how convenient that it was so close to us. Then I took some pictures of the trees behind us, we did laundry and had a burger at the Burger Depot and we got to visit with my friend Ann. Later I drove over to Mary's and picked up some mail and that was pretty much it. It is raining again and we hit the road tomorrow. We are hoping it won't be snowing over the summit or we'll be taking the alternate route.

We are heading for Anaheim. I was asked by the LAPES pipe band to present one of the piper awards at the Scottish Games in Orange County. The award honors my Dad's memory and his love of the bagpipes. He practiced and played every chance he got and even had them with him in Korea when he was stationed there. Also in my Dad's honor the band had special bag covers made with my Dad's name and badge number on them. I'll post pics of that later this week.
I also get to have the pleasure of being the Honorary Chieftain of the Games on Saturday. We've never been to a Scottish Games so it will be fun to see what they are all about...being of half Scottish descent I guess it is about time.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...