Thursday, December 17, 2009

Staving Off Starvation 12-17

It is wonderfully quiet out here...I forgot to take pictures of where we isn't gorgeous to most people, but it is by far not the worst place we have ever stayed. There is a nice new RV park right along the highway, but we'll take basic and quiet. Plus we can walk all over out here...can't do that along the highway...well you could but we don't like it...too noisy and smelly.

It was in the 30's this morning, but with the sun and no wind it warms up pretty quickly. We were toasty on our walk and didn't need coats and hats. The high today was 58 and the low was 33.

Our big excursion for today was into Alamogordo to the Super is a huge store, and not crowded and has everything. Except it has the smallest yarn section I have seen at a Walmart...apparently people aren't into yarn art down here...internet here I come. On our way back home I took a picture of this giant Pistachio nut in front of one of the local "nut" houses. It is new since we were here a year and a half ago. We are amazed when we get the many bags of groceries home that it all manages to get put away...our trailer has great storage.

About an hour before dark we took a drive up the canyon to look at a few properties we had our eye on...and crossed most of them off our list.

1 comment:

Juanita said...

Val, your comment about the yarn at WalMart....I've been discouraged about that, too! A couple of years ago, I started asking questions and found that the corporate decision was to phase out the fabric and yard departments. I was just SICK, since I depended on WalMart wherever we went to supply me! Over the years I've bought so many special fabric panels for my quilting projects (notice the Christmas Card picture when you get it...that was a Wal Mart purchase over 10 years ago).
Because of our travel patterns, many times we were far from home for the summer and fall, a perfect time to find unusual things for the holidays in the fabric department.
I guess I'm not a big fan of change....but I miss the dependable WalMart departments.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...