Last week I had another and last appointment for a breast cyst, had it aspirated…number 6 or 8 since 1989…I’ve lost count…some of us are more prone to them than others…lucky me, BUT I’ll take ‘em over cancer any day. Once I hit menopause hopefully they’ll quit.

We have been teaching Larry’s Mom how to use her new laptop computer so she has been over a few times, she has been getting Facebook lessons too, so watch out any of you out there that know her!
We had Ian for the night last weekend, we’ve been out to dinner…one night with Mom, one night with the kids and once we went and babysat the boys so the Mom and Dad could have a break out together. We’ve had errands, taken our walks…but we skipped on the days it was in the 20’s (I know people walk in much colder places of the world, but I know this is temporary…so I’ll wait it out…no sense freezing my eyeballs) and yesterday Larry drove down to the Bay Area and back for a “meeting”.
While he was gone yesterday I was blow drying my hair and tripped the electricity off. I knew what probably happened so I went to the fuse panel and flipped the switch that had popped and…nothing…dang it. I went outside and checked our power pole…all looked good. I called Larry and left a message…oh well, just had to wait it out. When he called I told him how I flipped the switch, but it felt spongy….he then reminded me that I had to push down/off really hard…I knew that too…shoot, I always just flip em like they’re light switches, so after I pushed the switch really hard and flipped it back up I was back in business. I got the laundry done over at the little laundry room they have here, made up the bed…always a chore in a small space and cleaned the bathroom all shiny. Getting things ready for our departure this weekend.
Connor’s eyes have lost their newborn glaze and appear to be staying a dark blue with a light ring around the pupil like his daddy’s. He is always whipping his head around and
He has started smiling too and his gassy tummy has quit since his Mom quit drinking some tea she was drinking to help lactation.
Connor gets bad hiccups and Andrea has this “magic” stuff that stops them almost instantly. It is called Gripe Water and is natural and the baby loves the taste and about the time you get the dropper-full in him the hiccups have stopped…very nice. Andrea was told about the stuff by a friend and found it at the local Rite Aide.
Like a lot of the west we had a bad cold snap, but the snow and rain went south of us.

The puppy belongs to a friend of Will and Andreas and she brought it over to show us…he is nameless so far and was so adorable and unusually colored; he is a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix and three months old and very sedate for a puppy. He never wriggled to get down, but there were three cats hanging around w

Today was a teeny bit warmer and a bit cloudy. We went to the library to return my books and then to Andrea’s to see her and the baby while he was awake, then picked up some groceries on the way back home. Made some pork chop fried rice for dinner, Larry’s Mom came over for more computer help and to eat with us and it is starting to rain.
Tomorrow night we’ll have Ian over for the night and on Saturday is his 7th birthday party at the local skating rink. His Mom is having it before Christmas this year (his birthday is 12/29) so it doesn’t get stuck between Christmas and New Year’s and maybe

awww, look at that baby, such long fingers... Nice blog entry. It was long, i liked it :)
I LOVE your Christmas decorations!! Much like mine....tho I use the couch and end table...no wall space. Also loved the picts of baby and all. Tell Larry's mom that if I can do this, she can do this....it just takes retraining the ol' brain somewhat. I, too, loved the long entry.....happy traveling!
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