Saturday, December 26, 2009

Quiet Post Christmas Day 12-26

Today was sunny and cold again. We took a walk before it got too breezy, but still needed winter coat , knit cap, gloves and trusty alpaca scarf. It was really cold but at least we didn’t have to walk like a penguin. When living in the mountains with snow and ice, taking a walk was slow and treacherous.

We are incubating our new home search…we hunted and explored all avenues gathering information and pushing on doors and now we are just going to wait, be patient and know that what we are looking for is out there…close. We have only been here a week and a half, so there is no hurry, though of course we want a favorable outcome…soon. Patience has been harder for me then learning
relaxation…I just have to keep reminding myself…laugh.

Today I was thinking about a Christmas many years ago when two little girls, after having a great Christmas and with lots of new things to play with, were up early the next morning and thought chasing their new Step-Father’s tropical fish with a net all around the ten gallon fish tank was WAY more fun and entertaining then playing with any of their new toys. Oooh weee, they got into big trouble and grounded to their room without the new toys. Beyond that my memory is thin, but we have never forgotten it and had quite a few laughs over it over the years…our parents liked to tell the story on us. I’m thinking we may have even gotten a spanking over that one. Silly girls, who knows what possessed us…we were just fascinated by the thing.

Larry and I took a little walk during the afternoon along an arroyo behind the campground, but didn’t linger very long…the wind was cutting!

I caught up with two of my friends on the phone today, which I always enjoy and that was about it for our day.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...