Saturday, August 15, 2009

50 years for Me! 8-15

Well, I don’t feel any different and I don’t look any different, but it feels weird to declare 50 years on the planet…this time around….smile! Many thanks for the calls, cards and emails and the lovely Happy Birthday songs!

We left the house a bit after 6:30 this morning, stopped at Starbucks and then hit the road for Weed, California, around 300 miles one way. We made some stops along the way and we got there about noon. The fresh burned area at Hat Creek is sad looking and a lot of homeowners were very lucky because a few were burned right to their properties. We had lunch with Michelle, Darel and Seth, …let Seth run off some steam in the playground at McDonalds and then hit the road for the trip back.

Seth drove us nuts the last hour wanting to know if we were close yet, when would we get there, so we kept him busy watching the numbers on the clock and he did a LOT of counting until we got here…laugh. Then he kept wanting to go into the trailer…that is the only home of ours he has ever seen.

He is currently teasing me trying to make the mouse do “something”. Gotta go!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...