These first two pics were taken when I left Fallon last Thursday. It was windy, cool and cloudy.

I had a great week visiting my friends, having a massage, taking a two day watercolor workshop and eating really healthy. Except for the molten lava chocolate cakes Mary made me and the black forest brownie Vickie made I had all kinds of healthy vegetables, fish…and I got to try different kinds of milk at all three of my friends’ places for different reasons.
At Vickie’s it was whole Raw milk…great, at Deb and Cathy’s it was Rice milk…good and at Mary’s it was Goat milk….ah, well, okay…the first sips aftertaste is tough, but then it starts to grow on you….
I had planned to come home on Monday, but stayed until Wednesday and had a wonderful visit with my friend Mary like we really hadn’t had since Larry and I hit the road five years ago. Larry was gone longer than we thought so I saw no sense in rushing home to an empty house!
Last Saturday he was home for only a couple hours from California when he got called out to Utah and lucky for us it didn’t take as long as first anticipated and he got home Wednesday morning and I got home early afternoon on Wednesday, which worked out nice…we weren’t running into each other trying to get our stuff put away. He had been gone for 17 days, the longest we've ever been away from each other now that I think about it.
I came home to this beautiful flower
arrangement from my special Man….that would be Larry!
Yesterday and today we spent getting caught up.
There were a lot of garage sales on our walk this morning and I finally found a couple of bowling balls! Why you ask, when we don’t bowl anymore….well, I am going to turn them into yard art, mosaic gazing globes. I have a lot of projects, now I just need to get them started and done.
Tonight we had a stunning dinner for my birthday at the Slanted Porch here in Fallon. We loved them for lunch and we LOVE them for dinner too. A great place if you ever go through Fallon on highway 95.
Tomorrow we meet Michelle in Weed, California for the picking up of our boy Seth. He gets to spend a week here with Grandma Val and Grandpa Larry and then next Saturday it’s back to Weed to give him back to his Mom and Dad.
So that’s the past week in a nutshell.
It has cooled down into the 80’s here during the day which is nice, but the mornings seem cool and then evening’s even cooler with the breeze.

I had planned to come home on Monday, but stayed until Wednesday and had a wonderful visit with my friend Mary like we really hadn’t had since Larry and I hit the road five years ago. Larry was gone longer than we thought so I saw no sense in rushing home to an empty house!
Last Saturday he was home for only a couple hours from California when he got called out to Utah and lucky for us it didn’t take as long as first anticipated and he got home Wednesday morning and I got home early afternoon on Wednesday, which worked out nice…we weren’t running into each other trying to get our stuff put away. He had been gone for 17 days, the longest we've ever been away from each other now that I think about it.
I came home to this beautiful flower

Yesterday and today we spent getting caught up.
There were a lot of garage sales on our walk this morning and I finally found a couple of bowling balls! Why you ask, when we don’t bowl anymore….well, I am going to turn them into yard art, mosaic gazing globes. I have a lot of projects, now I just need to get them started and done.
Tonight we had a stunning dinner for my birthday at the Slanted Porch here in Fallon. We loved them for lunch and we LOVE them for dinner too. A great place if you ever go through Fallon on highway 95.
Tomorrow we meet Michelle in Weed, California for the picking up of our boy Seth. He gets to spend a week here with Grandma Val and Grandpa Larry and then next Saturday it’s back to Weed to give him back to his Mom and Dad.
So that’s the past week in a nutshell.
It has cooled down into the 80’s here during the day which is nice, but the mornings seem cool and then evening’s even cooler with the breeze.
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