Friday, August 28, 2009

Stuff 8-28

Time is flying by….almost September already…obvious to some….a surprise to others of us.

This week we just got caught up after a week with our grandson Seth. I cleaned the house, Larry emptied the pool then it found a new home across the street with the neighbor kids, he cleaned and detailed the truck to rid it of all the dirt we picked up on the road to the mountain top, I ran errands and then yesterday afternoon Larry got the call to hit the road.

While he was waiting for confirmation he loaded up the camper and trailer, I beautified him with a haircut and he was on down the road to the Yosemite area. A controlled burn got away…again. I don’t get these controlled burns during peak fire season and conditions…I’m starting to think they do it on purpose…just a thought.

I’ve started a crochet project now that the days are shorter, the evenings are longer and it cools off a little earlier. I also tiled two steel crosses today using thinset mortar for the first time…easier than I thought…I just have to work on my timing with how it sets up but they are going to be pretty. After a couple days of curing I’ll grout them.

Today was hot, hazy with clouds and windy in the evening. I wanted to do some spray painting but it was too windy and hot to be out there…darn.

This picture was from a few nights ago…the moon looked so pretty there in the pastel colors left behind by the sun.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...