Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Kingman, AZ 4-4-07

Yesterday we just did laundry and putsed around. It was a lovely warm day with a nice breeze.

Today we got up and hit the road after 9. Westward HO on I40. No wind today so our fuel consumption was better. It took us an hour to get fuel at the Flying J in Kingman. They are so poorly laid out, truck and RV traffic was backed up, people couldn’t get out; it was chaos. The truckers had to go in and out the same drive and the RV’s had to go in and out too and there was only one RV diesel pump…UGLY. The guy in front of us had an 80 gallon tank and it took forever to fill up. When we were finally done, Larry was able to make the tight turn and traffic opened up for us and we just slipped out! Our destination for the day was just a mile or so down the road.

We are at the Zuni Village RV Park, it is on a busy street, but we lucked out because just a block or so down was an RV parts store. Our flap had broken off of our outside vent to our range hood. Had to get it replaced if we didn’t want birds or bees trying to nest in there! They had exactly what we needed and in white! The one that was on there was off-white and our siding is white, so now it looks much better too!

We did some deep cleaning as the trailer is going to be sitting and not being lived in the next week or so while we are at Larry’s Aunt and Uncle’s in Mesquite. They let us stay in the house…we’re special…smile.

We wanted to go over the Hoover Dam, but just as we were getting off the highway there was a big sign listing all the things that are restricted from going over it right now as there is road construction going on. I thought I saw trailers, but I don’t know if it meant semi-truck trailers or our kind. We have tried to dig up more info, but haven’t found out anything definitive. I wish they would put more than one sign up. You don’t really pay attention and by the time you notice some of these signs you can’t read them quick enough when you are zooming past them at 70 miles per hour. We may just have to go out to Laughlin and head north from there, only adds about a half hour to our travel time. I’ll just have to see Hoover Dam another trip. Auntie & Uncle, ready or not, here we come!!! Too late to move now!

Oh, I forgot, today between the east and west bound lanes was a whole pod, herd, whatever of javelinas. There were almost a dozen of them. Javelinas are small wild pigs around the size of a large beagle. I guess they aren’t shy, I was just wondering if they were smart enough to keep from being road bumps.

These flowers are my African Violets that are in bloom right now. My one dollar plants that I bought in Ohio last August. The plants have doubled in size and as you can see the flowers are gorgeous. The third one should bloom any day now.

I’m going to have to dig my shorts out for tomorrow…high 80’s to low 90’s! Eat your heart out Lori…tee hee!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...