Saturday, April 07, 2007

shopping in St George 4-7-07

Yesterday we enjoyed the dry air and heat here in Mesquite, Nevada. We spend a lot of time sitting on the patio visiting, snacking and playing games. Larry and I took a walk and I got a Latte at the Starbuck’s in the casino downtown and then walked back home yesterday. We went to the market for fruit and munchies and then just vegged most of the day. Larry helped Uncle Gene hang a new light fixture in their office area.

Today Larry and I took our power walk around the neighborhoods. Climbed up to the top of the neighborhood on the hill where we had nice views of the mountains to the south, dodging doggie land mines. Soooo many people DO NOT pick up after their dogs…RUDE. Spring in the desert is nice, but hot already, we have to get out early so the sun doesn’t fry us. Lots of beautiful cactus and roses in bloom in people’s yards. This is just one a few houses up from where we are. I’ve seen another one I want to get photos of, but these cacti like to bloom in the heat of the day when the light isn’t the best. I lucked out with this pink flowering one!

All four of us went to St George for some shopping and lunch. We checked out a couple of new cars, a Saturn and a Hyundai, went to Lowe’s for more supplies for Uncle’s home improvement projects and then had a lovely Mexican lunch. Then it was off to Costco and while Auntie and Uncle shopped, Larry and I grazed at all the little sample booths. Then it was back home for more relaxation and more eating!

Out in the desert there are red flowered cacti blooming, but I only seem to see them when I am zooming down the interstate! Maybe one of these days I'll get one!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...