Saturday, April 14, 2007

Flower Zone 4-14-07

Just to catch you up…the day before yesterday (Thursday) it was cloudy and it rained a little bit. We went to the show and saw “Wild Hogs”, we thought it was funny and entertaining. Yesterday (friday) was a lovely sunny, warm day…we all went to Walmart, Uncle washed their car and Larry washed our truck; in shorts, barefooted in April…woo-hoo!

Today started out a beautiful spring day, by late afternoon it clouded up and got windy. This morning I was in the flower photography zone! The light was perfect and I got so many stunning shots, look at the little fuzz on those little “mini-petunias”; the golden cactus and the Ocotillo…uumm-uumm. I might share more of the Ocotillo tomorrow.

Auntie planted flowers and seeds, Uncle did some pruning and I pulled teeny weeds from between the flagstones that edge the lawn; lovely, relaxing spring-time activities.

We are having a great time and can’t believe it is almost time to hit the road again. Uncle was very silly today and I caught him trying to “twist” the events of a couple of hours today…he forgets that I am not just a pretty face and I can’t ever let him slip a fast one on us! You’da had to be here, but it was hysterical! The highlight of our day…tee hee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, Well...
We were soooo young.
(That was 46 years ago !!!)

We enjoyed seeing the picture,
now we are CELEBRITIES.

We love you guys too.

We always enjoy your blog.

Aunt Bonnie & Uncle Gene


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...