Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ahhhh in Genessee Valley 4-26-07

I’m writing from the depths of Genessee Valley tucked into the northern Sierra Mountains of California. It is soooo extremely quiet and peaceful here that I seem to be having a problem doing normal things, like communicating with the outside world. We have been sucked in and are loving it! No trains, no traffic and hardly any people; lots of pine trees, oak trees, fresh air and a snow-melt raging creek. Since the first of the week we have had lots of sunshine too…ahhhh.

We got here last Thursday during the rain/snow storm. It wasn’t doing much during our set up and we got backed down the driveway pretty quickly. The next day I left the Valley for a massage…ahh. Back home at Vickie’s house we had a lovely dinner where we met a couple of Vickie’s friends and had a great evening. Saturday morning I started my day in the hot tub…ahh. Later that day we got to take a tour of a large Dome Home. I’ll attach pictures of it in a separate entry to break up all the photos. Sunday it rained and tried to snow, but the rain won! It was really cold the first few days we were here with the highs in the 40’s…brrrr. Monday we hung around and visited with Vickie and I can’t really remember Monday…it was sooo long ago, so I just made all that up for Monday. Tuesday I drove about 40 minutes through the lovely spring mountains to have another massage….ahh. Larry had driven to Quincy to see a friend of his and to stop at the grocery store. Somewhere in there Larry helped Vickie backup her computer files.

Since the weather cleared up we have started each day with a walk, enjoying the lack of traffic and the fresh, crisp morning air. There are lots of deer and wild turkeys around here, noisy blue jays and huge gray squirrels. Yesterday we had a couple of phone appointments, I gave my friend Vickie a massage and then we met friends for dinner at a cute café in Greenville; I forgot to mention the hot tub after our walk…ahh. This picture shows our view from the deck, if you look hard you'll notice the creek in the center of the picture.

Today it is in the high 70’s and a stunning day. We took a couple of walks, Larry moved firewood, we read our books and worked on the computer. Tonight after dinner…hot tub under the stars…ahh!

Well, you should know by now that if there is a flower on the property I'll have a picture of it! These tulips are in bloom by the driveway, stunning standouts amongst all the green and browns of the forest!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...